
强大医疗资源平台 深圳和美妇儿医院是中国著名医疗集团——博生医疗集团旗下的旗舰品牌。博生医疗投资股份有限公司由董事长林玉明先生创办,总部位于北京CBD商务中心区的金地中心。目前,博生医疗在全国范围拥有员工近万人,其中高级医疗技术人员逾1000名,是一家以医院投资、医疗管理、临床医疗服务为主导产业的投资管理型股份制公司。 博生集团品牌连锁医院的市场范围不断延伸,先后在北京、重庆、武汉、长沙、广州、天津、贵阳、成都等大中城市建成30余家品牌连锁医院。各家医院统一管理模式、统一运作流程、共享品牌资源、形成核心竞争力,以先进的经营理念、高超的技术实力、温馨的诊疗环境和人性化的星级服务,取得了良好的经营业绩和社会声誉。 深圳最高端的美式医院 深圳和美妇儿医院是一家完全按照美式医院模式和标准打造的医院,完全按照“JCI国际医院”的1233个标准倾力打造,其主要客户群是深圳高端人群和在深外籍人士,旨在为海内外***和儿童,提供优质医疗服务及健康管理的高品质医疗机构,并以全球领先的哈佛医学院教学医院、波士顿女子医院、波士顿儿童医院、麻省总医院为技术支持平台。 在深圳,和美妇儿医院是唯一通过“美国JCI” 国际认证的医院。采用与欧美同步的“零差错”医疗安全保障体系和治疗系统,以及与“哈佛医学国际联盟”同步的领先医疗技术和模式,真正做到了为海内外***和儿童提供高品质的医疗服务。 深圳唯一“美国JCI”国际认证医院 在中国,共有2万多家医院,但只有最高品质的10多家医院通过了JCI国际医院认证,和美妇儿医院就是其中一家,也是深圳唯一 一家。 JCI是国际医疗卫生机构认证联合委员会。JCI由医疗、护理、行政管理和公共政策等方面的国际专家组成,目前JCI己经给世界80多个国家的公立、私立医疗卫生机构和政府部门进行了指导和评审。JCI标准是全世界公认的最权威医疗标准,代表了医院服务和医院管理的最高水平,也是世界卫生组织的认证模式。 深圳唯一“哈佛医学国际联盟”实验基地 “哈佛医学国际联盟”在全球范围内选择实验基地的条件非常严格。至今,在全世界能成为其实验基地的医院屈指可数,和美妇儿医院就是其中一家,也是深圳唯一 一家。 “哈佛医学国际联盟”:是医学理论、医疗技术、医疗模式的“世界级孵化中心”,当今世界上最前沿的医疗体系,绝大部分源于哈佛医学国际联盟。该组织主要由美国哈佛的医学技术、医疗科技、药品研发等权威专家组成,开创了“零差错” 医疗安全保障体系、医学数字化诊断模式(HIS)、临床实验室信息化检测体系等领先的医疗模式。 深圳最全面的国际医疗保险服务 深圳和美妇儿医院依托深圳唯一“JCI国际医院”的资历,可以与全球30多个国家直接进行医疗保险结算,为国外客户提供更加便捷和完善的保险理赔服务。 公平、公正、尊重的人才平台 一个公平、公正、平等的工作平台,一个充满尊重的环境,一个适合人才发展的宽松环境,从来都是良禽择木的基本标准。无论海内外、国内外的员工均视为亲人。和美奉行“大家庭”式的管理理念,员工间相互尊重,不分国籍与肤色,尊重每位员工的文化习俗与事业梦想。 中国医疗服务事业发展的良好前景 中国医疗事业改革对高端医疗服务提出了明确的要求,广东省要构建具有广东特色的高端医疗服务体系,政府也给予了足够政策扶持,这对于和美来说,是机遇,更是挑战。和美作为高端医院的占位者,在医改宏观背景下应运而生,自然而然地肩负着把深圳乃至广东高端医疗服务上升到一个新台阶的重任,发展前景毋庸置疑。 加入和美大家庭,我们与哈佛专家为您定制更多: 1、将选派优秀员工到哈佛的知名医学院及其医疗系统进行学习深造、培训指导; 2、哈佛医学教授将定期与员工分享当今世界的医疗热点以及医学智慧; 3、在优雅的工作环境中相互激励、相互帮助,尊重您的个性,给您一份尊贵的身份感。 地址:深圳市南山区深南大道12018号深圳和美妇儿科医院 网址 Join Hands With Harvard Just For More Safety Shenzhen HOME women’s and children’s hospital is aimed at providing high-quality medical services and private health management for domestic and overseas women, is one of Partners Harvard Medical International (PHMI). We got the technology supports from PHMI, “No miss event” of medical security system is established and developed based on JCI standard, the medical treatment idea of green medicine, humanistic medicine and refuse excessive medicine. We will afford high quality of medical services and special health management solution as Europe and America do. In China, HOME women and children’s hospital is the first club-style hospital that provides private health management service model according to memberships, carries out network intelligence for security and service of our customers. With the low-carbon and green as the development trend of modern life, HOME builds a “No miss event” security system to help you get safe and green medical care. HOME’s doctors worked or were trained in medical institutions of Europe and America. Meanwhile, our professors in Harvard Medical School can give a remote diagnosis and carry out joint consultation and service for our customers. According to your needs, HOME will customize for your green health programs. HOME’s gynecology department is supported technically by Partners Harvard Medical International (PHMI), treats many kinds of gynecological diseases related to surgical services. Pediatric department bases on the U.S. medical concept of vaccination and treatment for children, and carries out pediatric disease treatment services. Stomatology department provides personalized oral health programs and dental beauty services. Cosmetic department carries out "Beauty Management" services to meet successful people’s rigorous demands for refined, unaffected beauty impression. Simultaneously, HOME carries out many other kinds of medical treatment such as surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics, infertility, breast section, traditional Chinese medicine, medical imaging, mental health branches, numerology disciplines, HOME pregnancy center. Join the large family of HeMei,We and international experts will assist your career development with a) Regularly sending staff to overseas medical schools and its healthcare systems for one-on-one training and guidance; b) International well-known professors regularly sharing the latest medical development with HeMei staff; c) Encouraging competition in a friendly working environment to improve your self-development. Web: 联系人:0755-33919122-2人事部

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